Thursday, August 5, 2010

Work! Work. Work?

So. I had surgery May 13th, and I pretty much abandoned my blog because my stitched-up booty was not allowed to go upstairs (where my computer is). When I finally COULD go upstairs, I found that I liked spending time with the kids waaay more than blogging. Sorry people, but thems the facts.

Anywho, I returned to work last week, and I apparently now have all sorts of time in which to blog. On a quick side note, because of where I work, I'm one of the select few that actually wants gas prices to RISE. So BP can keep building stuff. Chevron too. All the big oil guys. Then I will have work. Lots of it. And I won't have to pretend to work all day when there's only one thing to work on that I could finish in half a day but I have to stretch out into 4 days worth of work.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, returned to work. The first day was B.R.U.T.A.L. I had gotten used to getting up at 10 am. I had gotten the kids used to getting up at 10 am (poor hubby still had to get up early. Sucks for him. Maybe he should get something taken out too). I had to haul my non-early-bird self to the shower, remember to brush my teeth, and take the two little ones to their Indian family (read: babysitter that loves them to death). I was not mentally prepared for the challenge of getting up early, let alone dropping off a baby and a toddler at a second-story apartment and all before 8 am! Plus, there was the toddler's full-blown tantrum when he got dropped off at his 3rd mommy's house.

I got to the office, turned on my computer, and was greeted with about 600 emails. In my Inbox. That doesn't include the Junk Mail contents. Doesn't anybody read those auto-response out-of-the-office emails anymore? Well, you can imagine how the morning and a big chunk of my afternoon were spent. I think my eyes still hurt.

Getting out of work was almost worse. I had to pick up the boys (happy to see me), and I forgot that I now had to make dinner. It's not like I hadn't been making dinner every day since I was home. It was that I had to make dinner after my first day back at work. I had totally not even thought about dinner (well, except maybe about eating it). And I don't do well with last-minute meal planning. My idea of last-minute planning is going to Little Caesar's for their Hot and Ready specials.

Needless to say, I fell asleep before 9 pm

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